Thursday, June 29, 2017

MDL Logistics Toledo


We are very happy to open a new location in Toledo, Ohio and our very first branch. The branch is headed by Fred Pfeiler's son and his wife, Matthew and Lauren Pfeiler. This took very careful preparation and effort for all parties involved, but we are particularly excited for the new opportunities MDL Logistics will have in a new region being closer to you.

Now this probably leads to a few questions as to why we made this decision. The MDL Logistics experience is one that is coveted by all of our partners. Constructing and outlining plans to create another physical location was only natural. Of course with Matthew being the "M" in MDL Logistics, we knew this was perfect way to lead into another market with our company name being there.

Our utmost confidence is in the Toledo team and what they will accomplish, not only for the company, but for their personal well-being as well. We are still the same group of people who want to be that reliable option for you delivering our promises that we will conduct business with integrity and responsibility in all our locations.

Congratulations Matthew and Lauren,

- Mason Luxmore, Marketing Coordinator

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Memorial Day 2017

Remembering Our Heroes

If you have checked in on us recently you may have noticed we have been running a promotion this entire month! The first half of the month we focused on Mother's Day with beautiful flowers and spring time visuals. Mothers are so important to us we really wanted to show the love.

This second half though is all about Memorial Day, warm weather! Cookouts, sunshine and baseball games are the first thing to come to mind to most people. To us though, Memorial Day is much more important than any picnic or sales day.

Memorial Day is a day to honor and remember those that came before us to serve our country. Those who put their lives on the line for their country and paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. This means more to us than any other way to celebrate the day.

MDL Logistics and myself would like to publicly thank all veterans who have served and their families, and also families who have had veterans serve in our nations past.

This is a day to celebrate America's bravest, courageous, and eternally remembered.

- Mason Luxmore, Marketing Coordinator

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

First Month in Review

The Road Ahead

For the month of April, we did not post any blogs. This was not because the past month was not good or successful, quite the opposite! We added many new accounts and had over 90 shipments! It was a very blessed time for the company. We also received many thank yous from existing customers for the job we have been doing. It is nice to be recognized for a job well done, because everyone in the office has really stepped it up, must be the warm weather trying to come back!

More importantly, Fred had a grandson in April! Truly a wonderful blessing and gift from God to him and his family. We have had a great month are looking back to remember our success and count our blessings, because every moment has to be recognized for what it is.

Now it is kind of curious that I am talking about the past when this blog is titled, "The Road Ahead". I don't believe it is wrong from time to time to look back in the rear view mirror and smile. The things that made us most happy and optimistic are the same things that make us want to go forward and experience the same in the future. So we look at the road ahead with great optimism and fortitude that we will have continued prosperity in the experiences we embark upon.

- Mason Luxmore, Marketing Coordinator

Friday, March 24, 2017

Outreach - Week Four

Direct Mailing

We came together as a team and decided that it was best to start a direct mailing campaign. When I started at MDL back in January, we decided to start and email campaign with a promotion.The promotion had technically been around for awhile now in the form of an email, but now we wanted it in the hands of our business partners in a physical form.

I realized quickly that people in this industry like tangible material. When I remade the entire website, it was an exhausting ordeal that turned out to be great! Not but a week or so later, we decided to make our own notepads that could fit in your hand for quick notes and our office went nuts.

Its was like mana from heaven, but all it was were these little put together pieces of paper with our logo and some lines. This created in me a revelation that people want something to hold with a logo more than anything you could access online.

We created these postcards this week and are being made as we speak and will ship out within the next week or so.

If my hunch is correct, this is the way to turn heads in this industry.

- Mason Luxmore, Marketing Coordinator

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Faith In Action - Week Three

Higher Cause

This week at our meeting we came together and talked about causes bigger than our own. We know that the work that we do here is important, but there are issues outside the office that need attention, that was the basis of our conversation. We left the meeting with some ideas, but one was particularly catching to all of us.

Rose brought to our attention a place in Medina called, Faith In Action and how they were doing some amazing work in the community. I think when we heard what Rose had to say about them we were all on board. We then had a representative come, a personal friend to Rose, and tell us more about them. We all came away inspired and excited at the opportunity to help out in anyway we could.

We are very excited to be a part of this journey, not to better ourselves or make us better but to give back to the community in a meaningful way.

- Mason Luxmore, Marketing Coordinator

Friday, March 10, 2017

Company Presentation - Week Two

Our Resources

This week I was working on the company presentation that our accounts team can use. Many of the aspects of the presentation are very personalized to who we are as a company, much like most of how we present ourselves online and in person.

Our accounts team has been hard at work trying to expand our brand and this is just another way they can. They will be equipped with PowerPoints and physical versions, that way if they are pressed for time they can just take this out. 

We are also working on making some other things with our brand on it such as notepads, pens, etc. 

This is just the next step in the broad picture to make MDL Logistics the place where the paths meet, between us and the customer.

- Mason Luxmore, Marketing Coordinator  

Thursday, March 2, 2017

A New Chapter - Week One

The Process

Since I first started in mid-January at MDL, I knew there was something special about this place. There was always a sense of limitless potential in terms of a direction for the company to go from when I started. I knew that the first thing to do was to get a cohesive message for the company, so I started with the website. Websites as most know are the connection to the outside world, and the beacon to everything a company represents to those who do not know you yet.

I then took what thrown together information was on the site and applied it to Facebook, this is when I started working behind the scenes for awhile on the "new look". For a better part of the last month I went through many obstacles, one of which was trying to get a LinkedIn company page which was a bit harder than expected given that we automatically were given one and had to claim it. We could never claim it, but we eventually were able to delete it! LinkedIn was then made, but then there was so much more to the story...

In the meantime, I was also working on logo concepts for the company. What seemed like a hair pulling, teeth gnashing process only took around two days until we came to a vote on what the new logo would be! What you see everywhere now is that logo.

Then came the part I was dreading all this time, redoing the entire website...

What seemed like forever was only about 2 and a half weeks, and it was really worth it. Today the website and social media presences stand tall and represent the pillars of communication MDL did not have before.

I am proud to be a part of this team now and since the beginning.

- Mason Luxmore, Marketing Coordinator